Quote of the Week:

                            "Be Agreeable.
             It raises the self-esteem of others
                            and makes you
                  feel good about yourself."

                                                                    - Brian Tracy
                       Be Accommodating! 

Make it your aim when conversing with others
          to find something to agree with.  This habit will smooth
          out your personal relationships and make them
          more enjoyable.

                Friendship and love cannot survive on habitual 
          disagreements, criticisms and fault-finding. Ask yourself, 
          "How important is it that I disagree with this person, right 

                By taking on a generous and tolerant attitude, you
          will lower your stress and anger levels and be a friendly, 
          loveable person others will love to be with and work with.  

                Everyone's self esteem will be enhanced.
           With Love,

           Barbara Jean

           Visit my site for more quotes at:

           Write me about your experiences or questions at:

      Brian Tracy's inspiring book on Goals is available at Amazon.
             Check it out at because it will show you how to get
                              what you really want in life!

Goals! How to Get Everything You Want--Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

             Copyright © 2010 by Barbara Jean Olson

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