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Inspirational Quotations, #03-06 - Present Moment Quotations
October 18, 2006

      "Every Hour of The Day 
  You  Are Blessed to Be Here."

Present Moment Quotes: 
The present moment is the one to give your
    whole attention to.

Life is a succession of moments.  To live each one 
     is to succeed

Lose not yourself in a far off time, seize the moment
    that is thine.
                      - Johann Friedrich Von Schuller

Everything we are looking for is in the present moment.
                                  - Thich Nhat Hanh

Present Moment Affirmations:

I am surrounded by love and joy in this moment.

I am calm and serene.

I delight in this moment in time.

Everything is perfect just the way it is .

God lights my path every moment of every day.

He provides my every need right where I am.

Present Moment Questions:

How can I add more joy to this present moment?

What is the great gift of this present moment?


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Book Excerpt:   

"The Gift of Change"           
                                    - by Marianne Williamson
       "Accepting Ourselves in the Present"  

    "The truth is that every stage of our lives is 
perfect,  if we allow ourselves to really live in it.  
If we concentrate on the present, contributing and 
showing up for it as fully as we can, then any moment 
can have its blessings, and the future will unfold in 
the direction of ever greater good.

    When we accept ourselves exactly as we are, and 
where we are, we have more energy to give to life.
We are not wasting our time trying to make things 

    Any moment that we relax into the deeper ground of 
our being, giving up all struggle to be anywhere else, 
we're in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. 

    There is a plan for our lives - God's plan - and it 
oversees exactly where we are and where we need 
to be going.  As soon as we have learned to live most 
brightly  in our present conditions, new and better ones
will arrive immediately." 

                                   - Marianne Williamson

     To find out more about this book, go to:



      Following are links to some great sites for Women.



     Try substituting "you" for "I" in the affirmations
to bless others, to picture all-good for them,  and 
to see them in a new light.

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      Have a wonderful day!

Barbara Jean Olson

Copyright © 2006 by Barbara Jean Olson

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