Life Passionately!"
Passion Quotes:
Paradise is always where love
- Joseph Paul Richter
Life is a flower of which love is the honey.
- Victor Hugo
The naked promise in a glance,
electricity in a touch, the delicious
heat in a kiss.
-Trudy Colross
If I had a single flower for
every time I think
about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
- Claudi Grandi
Passion Affirmations:
I love my life today.
I look for the positive in each situation.
I deserve to have wonderful things
happen to me.
My heart is filled with love and
I passionately love every
aspect of my life.
Passion Questions:
What activity can I do today
with passion?
Am I bringing enthusiasm and joy and
passion into my relationships today?
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Wealthy and Wise"
- Andrea Rains Waggener
When you're passionate, you
care more about just
doing something than about how well you do it. You
don't need what you're doing to make a lot of money
or bring you fame and fortune.
doing whatever you're dong because you love
it and because it makes you happy.
understand sexual passion. But many people
are not blessed with true passion for the things they do
or for their lives in general.
Passion for life is the bottom line of being
passionate. If you have enough things in your life you're
enthusiastic about, that get you excited and make you
feel good, you will be passionate abut life.
If you
can't figure out what revs your engine, go
back in your memories to your childhood. What did you
love then?
little excavation of your likes and dislikes can
reveal your passions.
What lights you up? Whatever it is, make a place
it in your life. Give yourself and those around you the
gift of enthusiastic zeal.
It's a great way to live a quality life."
- Andrea Rains Waggener
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