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How to Succeed with Your Goals -Inspirational Quotations - 4-8-19 - #1
April 09, 2019

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       "Succeed with Your Goals"


        Hi Friend, 

            I hope this e-zine finds you well and happy and 
        excited about your life.  In this e-zine we'll explore 
        Succeeding with Your Goals - two different approaches 
        you can use to attain your goals.


Download My Fr*ee Ebook:

            As a bonus - for fr*ee - you can download my new 
“Your Treasury of Quotes".   It's fr*ee on 
       Tuesday, April 9 and Wednesday, April 10.  Click on
        the link below  to download it from Amazon today.


                       Success Quotations:

        The important thing is to dream big and then take 
             specific, well-planned, enjoyable action to make
             your bold dreams come true. 


        The ability to convert visions to things is the secret 
              of success. 

                                                                    - Henry Ward Beecher

        To live - decently, fearlessly, joyously - don’t forget
             that in the long run it is not the years in your life, 
             but the life in your years that counts!   

                                                                    -  Adlai E.Stevenson  

                Success Affirmations:

          I am going to spend today in my own way  - enjoying  
               it completely.

          I am now positive and optimistic about my bright, 
                happy future.
          I expect things to turn out well.

          I am enjoying continuous peace of mind. 

                       Success Questions:

    What do I love to do so much I lose track of time doing it?

    What goals would I like to achieve by the end of today?

          Inspirational Book Excerpt:   

             How to Succeed in Life 
                                              by Ned Grossman

    The 1st Group - River People

                "There are two general groupings of successful 
        people.  The first group is “river” people.  They have 
        found an activity or a career that has fascinated them 
        and have thrown themselves into it with passion,
        exuberance and abandon.   

              They work and play in this “river” of interest and 
        love every minute of it.  Their work is play and their play
        is work.  Life is a continual joy, a bundle of happiness. 
               Because they love what they are doing, they do it
         easily, enthusiastically and successfully.  

              What is your ”river” of interest?  What do you enjoy
        doing more than anything else?  What can you see 
        yourself becoming “the best” at? 

             You do most often, and with the greatest ease, what
         you enjoy.

              If you do not like what you are doing enough to 
        want to be the best, you should start doing something
        that you absolutely love. 

             Life is too short to waste it doing something you
        do not enjoy.  

      The 2nd Group - Goal-Oriented People

            The second group of successful people is goal-
        oriented. They are happy doing many different things.  

             Attaining their goals is important to them.

             They make up their minds what they want and keep
        their eyes and enthusiasm on those goals until they 
        become reality.  

             They enjoy life best by wrapping up one goal and 
        starting right on the next one.

     Experiment with Both Approaches  

             For best results, try to find your ”river” of interest
        and become goal-oriented.  Can you imagine a more 
        unbeatable combination?"  

                                       Ned Grossman 
                                How to Succeed in Life          


       Your Treasury of Quotes Ebook
               Download it for F*ree!


My new Kindle Ebook on Amazon New Page 3

                        My new Kindle Ebook on Amazon:
                               “Your Treasury of Quotes”
                  365 quotes to Inspire you to Live the Life 
                             You’ve Always Dreamed Of.  

               Download your fr*ee Kindle book on April 9 or 
        April 10, 2019.  I'll be offering it for fr*ee at different 
        times during the year if you miss these dates.  You 
        can check my web site to see if it's fr*ee that day.   

               Since you’re a lover of quotes, I think you’ll enjoy
        this book and be inspired.  The quotes are from many 
        of the greatest thinkers of all time. 

               You’ll love how each quote distills the wisdom of
        the ages into a few meaningful words!  You’ll find many
        of the quotes to be life-changing, containing secrets 
        to a happy, fulfilled, successful life.

                        I would love it if you'd leave 
                         a review for my book!

              If you enjoy and receive benefit from it, it will
         mean a lot to me if you'd write a short review of this
         book.  It will help me out and let others know about
         the book so they can gain wisdom and insight from
         the quotes, too.  Thank you so much!  

        Wishing You Much Love and 
            Countless Blessings Today,

        Barbara Jean


        Visit my Website for more Great Quotes!   

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                                click on the link below:


         Download Your Treasury of Quotes Ebook!

         If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at:



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                 Copyright © 2019 by Barbara Jean Olson


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